public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags twitter & "springnet blogmarks"

January 2008

Twitter Stats

by 2 others
This is a totally ugly engine to produce some stats from your Twitter feed and present them with the Google Charts API, including Tweets per hour of the day, total Tweets per day/month, top @replies and top overall @s.

Twitter Balloon Badge visualizes Tweets

A wonderful Twitter update badge you can customize to your heart’s delight and place on your blog, Facebook, MySpace…

7 Twitters Of The World

Twitter: easy to love, easy to clone. The first startup a young, aspiring web developer might want to try and build will probably be some version of Twitter, which can clearly be seen from all the local/regional Twitter clones we’re encountering every d

Twitter / Customize Your Badge

make a twitter badge for your blog or website

December 2007

Twitter Groups!

Twitter Groups allows you to tag your followers into different groups. Then you can send a message to those groups without needing to send the message to each person one at a time!

Home > Tweeterboard : Conversation Analytics for Twitter

Tweeterboard is a way of looking at who is influential on Twitter based on their conversations with other Twitter users. There are other services, like Twitterposter, that base influence on how many followers you have. Tweeterboard looks at who talks to u

November 2007

J. LeRoy's Evolving Web

I'm Living In My Tabset I noticed today that Windows XP pretty much confirms that I no longer use desktop applications like I used to. This is

Twitter Batch People Search

Twitter Batch People Search This makes calls to Twitter's people search form found at, but lets you enter multiple queries at once so you can find people more efficiently.

September 2007

Explore Twitter!

Welcome! We needed a place to experiment and help folks get more out of Twitter. Motorola was cool enough to step up and help us launch Explore. If you haven’t yet, try interacting with Twitter through the devices featured below—and watch this space,

Snitter: Snook's Twitter -

by 2 others
I find using the Twitter web site frustrating at times because it doesn't offer up features that I've always felt could be easily added. So, I've gone ahead and built an app with the features that I've always wanted.

Exclusive: Natalie Portman's lifecast - Valleywag

We know this only because one of Zachary's colleagues asked, rather indiscreetly, on Twitter: "How big of an audience do you think natalie portman lifecasting could attract?"

August 2007

Blogified - A weblog about Imified

we were able to integrate most Pownce features into a new IMified widget. To add the widget just select the “My Account” option in your IMified menu and click the link provided to access the widget directory.

Pownce : Paul Terry W.

pownce page of Paul Terry Walhus or springnet a web developer and one man IT Dept in Austin, Texas

July 2007

Twitterlicious - Mobile Clipping

Twitterlicious is a mashup of Twitter,, and

Twitterlicious - ProgrammableWeb Mashup Detail

Twitter mashed-up with & When you are viewing your or a friends timeline, you have the option to clip the tweet. This saves the tweet URL tweet in your bookmark account as a private link with a specific tag so you view it later.

Three Twitter tricks with Twitterfeed | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone

Twitterfeed can be used to do other cool things, too. Here's a walk-through of our top Twitterfeed projects: First, the basic blog-to-Twitter setup. Then, a trick with Twitterfeed to update Pownce and Twitter at the same time. And finally, how to use it t

Twittercal — tweet your google calendar

by 3 others is a free service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar. Add events from your Twitter client. Follow the 5 steps procedure to get started.

Twitter Blog: Friends, Followers, and Notifications

we are no longer going to define people as your "friends." The functionality of adding people remains, but the interaction is focused on the term "follow" instead.

Twitter Fan Wiki / NetworksTryTwitteringToSpreadTheirMessage

NBC, CBS, ABC Family and MTV are among several networks experimenting with the marketing possibilities of Twitter, a nascent social-networking service that sends messages in super-short bursts. Popular with young, tech-savvy consumers, Twitter lets regist

Boris | The Internet Entrepreneur » OpenIdea:

Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten. I'm a Dutch Serial Internet Entrepreneur and I write about my projects, theories about innovation and business and private life. Read more about me on the About page or contact me if you have any questions.